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NCCPA Launches Certified PArtners in Care Campaign to Showcase Invaluable Impact of Certified PAs

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Erica Banks, Senior Director of Communications
email: [email protected]
phone: 678.417.8685

Johns Creek, Ga., July 14, 2021 –Today the NCCPA announced the launch of the Certified PArtners in Care campaign to highlight the invaluable role that Certified PAs play to support patients, clinical teams and public health in their communities. Over the next few months, NCCPA will showcase personal stories from Certified PAs to celebrate the impact of the profession. The awareness campaign will culminate with National PA Week in October 2021.

“The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how essential Certified PAs are to the delivery of high-quality patient care,” said NCCPA President and CEO Dawn Morton-Rias. “Periods of crisis and increased health care needs are precisely why the profession was created. The role of the PA traces its roots back to the mid-1960s, during a time of unprecedented demand on the health care system. Now more than ever is the time to celebrate the critical role of PAs.”

Certified PArtners in Care will highlight real-life stories from Certified PAs, patients and physicians to personify the value that Certified PAs bring to the experience of patients and care teams. The campaign will feature stories from 13 of NCCPA’s PA Ambassadors, who share their unique perspectives about aspects of the profession that they find most rewarding. These PA Ambassadors represent a wide range of specialties, spanning from family medicine to psychiatry, in various geographies across the United States.

“I love the flexibility and lateral mobility across disciplines, as well as upward mobility and opportunities for advancement that the profession provides,” said Certified PA Jackie Edwards. “I have worked in neurosurgery, emergency medicine, urology, urgent care and occupational medicine. This varied experience over time has helped me to better serve my patients.”

According to the most recent Statistical Profile of Certified PAs, an annual report from NCCPA, the total number of Certified PAs in the U.S. is more than 148,560. These Certified PAs treat more than 9.5 million patients each week. They diagnose and treat chronic diseases, prescribe medications, assist in major surgery and more. Certified PAs also frequently serve as a patient’s principal health care provider.

“Certified PAs have a huge impact that not many are aware of,” said Michael Trueba, PA-C. “We provide high quality and effective care for everyone, no matter the condition or prognosis. We also help patients understand what is going on.  There is a sense of pride and honor in becoming a Certified PA, and the career itself has grown and continues to grow in the medical field.”

Since the creation of the profession, PAs have worked with physicians to provide high-quality care to patients across every specialty of medicine. One goal of Certified PArtners in Care is to highlight these collaborative relationships between PAs and members of their care teams.

“I am respected and viewed as a valued member of the team by the physician with whom I work,” said Brittney Pohler, a Certified PA working in obstetrics and gynecology. “The physician wants me to grow professionally to provide the best care experiences for our patients. She supports me, whether that is with a patient case or by helping mentor me as a young female provider and future leader.”

To learn more about the Certified PArtners in Care campaign and the personal experiences of Certified PAs, visit

About the NCCPA

NCCPA is the only certifying organization for the more than 149,000 PAs in the United States. The PA-C credential is awarded by NCCPA to PAs who fulfill certification, certification maintenance and recertification requirements. NCCPA also administers the Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) program for experienced, Certified PAs practicing in seven specialties. For more information, visit